Wednesday, February 4, 2009


At keeping my goal for my blog. I really want to write everyday, it calms me, it makes me feel like I'm not the only one going through crazy stuff. Sorry its been so long. I had my 32nd birthday on January 29th. It was fun, relaxing and I felt so much love from my husband and kids. Kayla made me a coffee cup, a small one out of clay and it matches the color in my kitchen. Danielle finished my curtains in my kitchen and they are amazing, I'll post pictures. For my birthday Danielle bought me the South Beach Diet book. She says she has had great success on this diet and thought I would like it too. I DO. I have been on it for two weeks and have lost 7 pounds or so, I have cheated a few times, but have gotten right back on it. The cravings are so hard especially at night. Jeremy is doing it with me and he is doing an amazing job, sometimes I feel like we don't motivate eachother as much as we should. When one feels like falling off the other "allows" this to happen instead of smacking some sense into eachother. Its a difficult thing to be hard on the one you love, you don't want to hurt their feelings but you know this is whats best for them. We have done good at working out about 5 times a week. We have found that we have to remove the children from where we are to get a workout in. Everything will be fine until we start working out and then someone hit someone else and someone is bleeding or want to be held.. ITS MADNESS. So we are shipping the kids to grandma's house for an hour, that way they can keep in touch and we can have workout time alone, uninterrupted. Hope that works better for us.

For my birthday I wanted a gym membership so I could go to the gym with my friend Monica who is totally motivated and she motivates me but I can't go with her to the gym because I can't afford a gym membership. So for my birthday Jer got me the Wii Fit. Its not a gym membership but it gets you up and moving. They have yoga and strength training and it keeps track of everything, you BMI and your weight and all your progress. HOW NICE IS THAT? Its reality though, you get on there to weigh yourself and its reality... I don't feel like I'm over 200 pounds, until I look in the mirror or see a picture of myself and then reality smacks me in the face all over again, this is a daily occurrence. I need to lose weight for the fact that I have chronic back pain, now losing weight won't guarantee me to have less back pain, but I'm willing to find out. My liver has been acting up, I know I have a fatty liver, but my enzymes have been elevated and if they don't start going down my Dr. will go to extreme measures to figure out whats wrong.. I don't want that. I seem to have trouble losing weight, so thats where the South Beach Diet has come into play. I'm hoping it will help me out, otherwise I'll be looking into the lap band surgery. I can't have a gastric bypass, I don't need or can't lose more than 100 pounds, so I don't qualify for that, so the lap band is the next best thing. I'm hoping I can do it the old fashion way. We'll see. So far so good. I feel so much better when I workout, even though my back feels worse somedays.

I got the best birthday gift this year, A call from my two favorite nephews, 7:30am the morning of my birthday the phone rings and it's Caiden and Kaleb.. OMG I miss them sooo much, it was so good to hear from them. And then Heather got on the phone and wished me Happy Birthday as well, that made me feel sooo good. Thanks Heather for calling me and allowing the boys to wish me happy birthday. Thanks to everyone else who sent me e-cards and wished me Happy Birthday over email and facebook, it means alot!

On the 31st some of my friends took me out to the bar for my Birthday. It was sooo much fun, drinking and hanging out. I had a dirty martini and just about threw up.. EWWW. Then I quickly followed it with a flooofy drink as my dad would call them. Such a fun time hanging out with the people you care about and know they care about you. I have great friends.. Oh and Monica got me a new pair of jammies for my birthday, silk jammies... I've never had silk jammies. Thanks M for the wonderful gift, they are so comfy to sleep in.

Superbowl Sunday was awesome. First off Heather and the boys came over to visit. It was so nice to see them. The twins are growing so fast and are such sweet boys. I truly miss seeing them everyday, I think everyone does. Heather and I went to go get a coffee from Starbucks, that was yummy, It made me feel so alive and powerful...LOL. We came back to my house and played an awesome game of tennis on the Wii.. SO MUCH FUN. Heather and I have always been competitive in our own fun way, so it was fun to see who would win. It gave us a huge workout, and she said she was sore the next day! THATS HOW YOU KNOW IT WAS AN AWESOME GAME. Thanks again for coming over and hanging out, it was good to re-live old times.
Thanks to everyone else who came over and watched the game with us, it was fun times, and good food. Tiffany is always a good cook and makes the best things. The last quarter of the Superbowl is when both Jeremy and I started to feel sick. It hit us hard.

Monday morning I woke up and was so sick I couldn't even move, it felt like my nick and back were broken. So much pain in my neck and spine. I spent most of the day in bed. I can't take decongestants or any fun stuff like that due to my liver and heart, so I had to rough it out. I am finally starting to feel better, I think!

I miss my Monica, she's in Missouri for 5 days on business. We usually talk everyday and now that she's in meetings we don't get to talk and I miss her and she's far away and I can't wait til she gets back home.. I love that woman with all my heart, she is so great!!

Enough blabbing for me, I guess I should try and sleep, I'm so stressed I haven't been sleeping much. Financial difficulties I guess you could call it.. Hoping it will all work out.


Friday, January 23, 2009


Ok so I didn't keep my promise on trying to blog everyday, Its just so difficult LOL..
I know its 2am, but I can't sleep, so I'm going to blog.

At the beginning of January we were invited to go and hang out with my best friend Krysti, she lives up in Oakley. We went up to watch the Utah sugar bowl. It was a Friday night and we were staying the night so no one had to drive the canyon at night. Can I just say it was so much fun to get out of the city and have a great time catching up with Krysti and Chris!!! Krysti built her own house, literally built her own house, she did an amazing job and I'm so proud of her. She is a single mom who works her ass off for the things she has. I have looked up to her and will continue too, what a great role model...

The kids loved seeing eachother, Brycen and Braxton loved playing video games the whole time we were there, and Emma tugged along behind them, and Hannah would hang out with us adults but would also hang with the kids. WE had a few good Nerf gun wars, it was running and tackling through the house, we had to stop at one point because Krysti and Brycen were having asthma attacks, we stayed up til 2am.
We had a wonderful breakfast Saturday morning, bacon and eggs YUMMY. We had every intention of leaving on Saturday afternoon, when four o'clock rolled around I was shocked that the day flew by. We decided we had nowhere to go so we stayed another night, we had pizza and played Wii for hours, it was sooo fun, we promised we would get to bed at a good hour, well 1am came and we finally turned in. It seemed as if life stood still, and all the stress of worries and real life were gone for the weekend, its our little vacation home away from home. It is so peaceful up there, you can hear the snow fall. It was AMAZING. Thanks Krysti and Chris for the wonderful time and I hope we can come back sooner than later. WE LOVE YOU.. Here are some pictures I wanted to share with you..

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


To blogging that is.. To all of you loyal readers, sorry I've been away, I have just been super busy with life.

OMGosh its 2009, we are almost done with the first month of 2009, crazy!!! I have alot of goals for 2009, I posted them in a past blog, I have done good so far. I have started helping out an older couple with things they need done around the house, it gets me out of the house and it makes me some money to help my family financially. I love these people, they are so funny, and sweet. My first day with them, i cleaned out a storage closet in the garage and re-organized it and put the Christmas decorations away all organized and everything. There was nothing but nice and encouraging words from this wonderful lady (Audrey). She worked me hard, I worked up a sweat and actually was sore the next day, I need to stretch before I go over and after I get home. I look forward to helping Audrey with goals she would like to meet in her home. I hope I help her as much as she is helping me and my family. She even hired Jeremy to put together some book shelves, and Jeremy has a way with older people, so they love him as well. Its been fun and I look forward to it every Monday.

All the kids got strep throat at one point, that's the first big sickness all of them had. The only one who wasn't sick was little Emma, she seems to never get sick, which is good. Hannah had and ear infection and Brycen had strep and Kayla did to with a sinus infection, They all got put on antibiotics, even Emma just to prevent, well come to find out Emma is allergic to Amoxicillin, I need to write that down on her immunization card. She got hives, it was horrible. Benydril helped alot though. They are all feeling much better. I think I'm coming down with an ear infection, what the heck is that? I HATE NOT FEELING WELL..

For Christmas Jeremy got me a certificate at a spa, and I think I'm going to make it a point to go and use it. I think I'll get a pedicure and my eyebrows waxed. I'll let you know how that goes.

We celebrated Grandpa Lindsay's 88Th Birthday on January 8 It was so fun getting everyone together and wish him a happy day, he even blew his candles out, it was so fun, I'll post the pictures soon.

I have been working hard these past few days, I am finishing the basement bathroom, just the finishing touches, I textured the walls and then repainted and added blotches of other colors, its very busy but I like it and I think Kayla will like it too. I wish I had money so I could go and buy things that I really need, Like a toilet paper roll holder and a little medicine cabinet and a towel rack, I just need our refinance to go through.. So we can save money.. I just need to be patient, hopefully at the end of this week we will know more.

I went to Old Navy with my sister Danielle, it was so fun and they had great sales, can I just say DON'T GO SHOPPING WITH SOMEONE WHO IS SUPER SKINNY AND LOOKS GREAT IN EVERYTHING...LOL Danielle works her butt off and she looks so great, she tried on some great pants and looks amazing, and I'm chubba bubba over here and am hoisting myself into my pants.. SO I AM ON A MISSION I am on a diet, and I am determined to succeed.. I am going to weigh in and measure tomorrow and then go shopping for all the food I need. I am determined to work out each day, whether it be for 10 minutes or 45 minutes.. This is my biggest goal this year. Wish me luck!!!

I just have to make a comment about my husband and his new blog, who knew he would start one.. I love them so far, he is so smart and has a way with words, my blog sounds like elementary school compared to his adult like blog.. Well all I can say is we even each other out in just about everything in life, we both have strengths and weaknesses.. I love him like a fat kid loves frosting on his Graham crackers... mmmmMMMMM sounds good, but I'm not eating one.
I promise to blog more, I'm shooting for everyday, I just need to make some ME time and do it.. That's probably why this is being posted at 1AM.. I hope all is well out there, I love you all and miss you more.


Thursday, January 1, 2009


New Years Eve morning the kids went out to play in the snow, I just took a few cute pictures of them. The picture with Jeremy, Emma and Hannah is something that occurs everyday, they love their dad and both "fight" for his lap.



YAY we made it to 2009. Welcome everyone! I have thought about life and have come up with some "ongoing" goals to accomplish through the year.

- become a certified doula, which involves paying for my certificate, I have accomplished everything else the course requires.
- surround myself with people who are mature, true, kind, loyal and on the same life path as I am.
- be DRAMA free!! weed out the people who thrive on drama...
- focus more on my husband and children.
- lose weight, like 50 pounds worth of weight.
- workout everyday even if its for 15 minutes.
- continue seeing my internal medicine physician.
- make it a point to keep up with friends and family, which means go and see people more often or email them more often or even send a card every now and again and call them on the phone.
- eat right, I think I have done a good job so far, but you can always add a fruit or veggie to your day.
- travel more, whether its a week long trip, or a weekend away from home, get out more.
- become debt free! this will only fully happen when we get our house refinanced, the goal is to stay debt free.
- build Kayla's room in the basement, I know I have been saying this for a long time, but it needs to be done since she will be a teenager this year.
- have a date night with Jeremy once a month.
- have one on one time with each child, take them where they want to go for a day, do this once a month or every other month. I remember my dad doing this with my sisters and brother and I think its a great idea.
- stop worrying about things I have no control over.
- read more books, besides the ones I read for book club.
- treasure my true friendships.
- teach Brycen to ride his bike with no training wheels.
- buy Emma a bike with training wheels.
- get braces for Kayla, and get her into dance classes.
- start homeschooling Hannah since she is so smart and can't go to pre-school until she is 3.
- stay on a good budget, so we may have money to do the things we want.
- make amends if necessary.
- stay true to myself, stay strong, keep my head up, shoulders back and be confident with who I am and what I want to stand for in life. Stay centered and grounded and keep on believing in myself. I love who I have become! (Thanks Shell for all your encouragement and kind words)

I hope in 2009 everyone takes a little more time for themselves, especially the mothers out there, we need it and deserve it. I wish everyone a healthy, wealthy and loving 2009. May all of your hopes and dreams come true!!