Wednesday, October 29, 2008


So I'm up early AGAIN.. Its become a "routine". I am protesting against my body. My brain wants to sleep but my body says "nope, I hurt, get up". So here I am. Its to early for anything...

I would just like to write about my feelings right now. Can I just say that I hate drama... My New Years Resolution is to be in a drama/ stress free zone. Its not good for my heart, my body or my complexion... I know we find drama lurking around in every corner, but no more am I going to dive in to try and save someone. If there is one thing my dad instilled upon me is to care for others. I do, In fact I am to caring, I didn't think that was possible until this year. You try and help one person, and come to find another person is hating you for it. I feel like I can't win. So what do you do? Suggestions are much appreciated!!!

What I do know, is that I surround myself with certain people who complete me, people who will be there through it all, thick or thin, good or bad. You can't find that in the grocery store... I have had a hard week and its only Wednesday!! I would just like to thank a few people for being there for me this week... I mean they are always there but this week in particular... First my husband, Thanks Jeremy for being there always, for picking me up when I feel like I've fallen, for scrapping me up off the ground when life has a way of pushing me down and holding me there. Heather, thank you so much for being my sound board. You are one busy lady and yet you find time everyday when you pick the boys up to ask how my day was and listen to the good and bad parts. Thanks, it means ALOT. Chrissay, thanks girl for standing beside me, for giving me strength to move forward. For keeping things in focus regarding a specific issue. I hope we will be there for each other ALWAYS... I am a lucky girl to have such great family and friends!! Thanks EVERYONE!!!

I feel much better writing my feelings down, I guess its one of the reasons I wanted to start this blog. I want to try and manage my stress, and writing it down helps. I am taking a deep breathe and going to start my day. Happy Wednesday...

Sunday, October 26, 2008


OH MY GOSH!!! Or as Kayla would say O-M-G. Remodeling a kitchen is hard work, even if you have someone install it. You need patience, more patience and alot more patience... Living in the same house with four children, two dogs and a husband is a task, but when you take the most centrally located room, and put it under construction the chaos begins... I knew it was going to be hard, I tried to prepare myself for it, but honestly, who can really prepare for this big of an event? Living out of our microwave and fridge is difficult. We had the microwave on top of the fridge and the toaster up there and the coffee pot as well.. YEAH not a good idea, we tripped the breaker!!! many many times, we tripped the breaker.. we had to move the microwave out to the back porch area (where we hang our coats and backpacks), the coffee pot went back there as well. We plugged the toaster in as we used it. O-M-G...

If you know me you know I like a schedule.. I plan everything, hardly ever spur of the moment stuff. I'm trying to get better at that. I just feel comfortable and in control when I have things layed out in front of me... I guess with four kids you have to at times. Well I had to throw my schedule out the window, I had to put forth my "fly by the seat of your pants, moment to moment" attitude. It has been difficult. I tried to keep things clean as the days went on, I found I was dusting everything, everyday and wondering how the hell everything got so dirty. It was people walking in and out of the house constantly, bringing things in, cutting wood, blah blah blah. So finally I just stopped trying to keep up with the cleaning. The cabinets were installed on Wednesday, Countertops were installed a week later, and appliances delivered this past Friday, leaving us to put it all together. We managed to get that accomplished (it took all weekend). As of today we have a working kitchen. I have no energy left to get the crown molding up and the floor down and all the touch ups done.. I was shooting for getting things accomplished by Hannah's birthday party which will be on Halloween night. I don't think that will happen, there is just so much to do in such a little time. Does that make it okay for me to feel bad about that? To invite people over to a house that's not all the way done? I hope not... If they truly love me then they will love everything that comes with me right? RIGHT!!!
Here are a few pictures of the before, during and AFTER.... Glad to say that we have a kitchen that works... YAY US!!!!!

To the left is the bar area, need to get bar stools for the kids

Below is the finished product...

The pictures below are the colors I chose, brown and toffee colors...

Above is Emma helping with the plywood walls
To the right, all the cabinets in their boxes...

Below is what our kitchen looked like before the chaos began...


Thursday, October 23, 2008


My sister Heather and I thought it would be fun to dress Kabo and Kantina up in build-a-bear outfits. This was supposed to be their Halloween costumes... Yeah it didn't work out as planned. They didn't fit, and the dogs weren't to happy about playing dress up. But Heather and I had a blast!!!

As you can see from the photos, Kabo was Puss-n-Boots and Teenie was Donkey.. And then Kabo was Donkey.. I had to give them a treat when we were finished, THEY WERE MAD!!! They are like life size dolls with fur. Why is it we find joy in tormenting our pets? (My pets were not harmed during dress up time, or photography time).

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Since this is my first post, I will introduce you to "the fam", they are my world, my everything, they are my good and bad days, ups and downs, there always there.

DAD: This is Jeremy or Jer, He is the man of the house, the money maker, my best friend, lover, husband and an all around great guy. He loves to wear hawaiian shirts, everyday is a vacation for Jeremy. He lives life with lots of laughs and beer. He's a son, an uncle and an in-law. He's an only child. He is always there for his children, he will never miss a performance or a field trip. He is funny, smart, out-going, loving and good looking!!

MOM: I'm Melissa - DUH.. I'm a mother, a wife, a friend, a sister, ant, an inlaw. I am everything to everyone. I am a 'fixer" I love to help people emotionally and physically. I live for my kids and my husband. I have a wonderful family, who keeps the big picture in focus. I surround myself with friends who lift me up, who help me shine, who make me whole.

DAUGHTER: This is Kayla, la la for short. She is almost 13 years old. She is my first born. She has two families, The Carters and The Duffey's. She is the oldest of 5 children. three from the Carters and Two from the Duffey's. She loves all of her siblings. She is in 7th grade, Junior High. Kayla is very smart and out-going. She loves to fish, camp, paint, draw, anything artistic. She loves music and dance.
DOG: This is Kabo, he is a miniature Dachshund. He is 3 years old in human years and 21 years old in dog years. He is very well behaved. He loves to give kisses, lick feet, he's a protector. He loves food. Fries are his favorite.

SON: This is Brycen, he's 7 years old and in 2nd grade. He loves sports, any sport. Football is his favorite, followed by baseball. He is very smart and a good listener at school, but when at home he is a different child, running non-stop. He loves to play playstation with his cousins.

DOG: this is Kantina, she is a miniature Dachshund as well. She is almost 2 in human years and 14 in dog years. We think she has emotional issues, she's very shy and shakey. We have had her since she was four months old.. I think her emotional problems are due to her plane ride to utah. She loves to bark and play with Kabo.

DAUGHTER: this is Emma, she is almost 4 years old and in pre-school. She goes to school five days a week, four hours a day. I love it. She is the type of child who gets so comfortable at home that she doesn't want to go anywhere. Getting her into pre-school was the best thing we could have done for Emma, she needs to branch out. She has learned to write her name. She is our "fire cracker" she carries the attitude in the family.

DAUGHTER: This is Hannah Joule pronounced Jewel, she will be 2 years old on Oct 30th. I was to be induced on Halloween, but she had other plans and came a day early. Hannah is very smart, she talks alot. She loves her siblings and her dogs. She is very loving and kind. She wants to be just like her brother and sisters. Hannah had her apendix out over Labor Day weekend. It was an emergency surgery. She stayed in the hospital for a week, and has recovered well. She is our strongest child.

THERE you go, The Carter 6 Pack, I hope you all enjoy the stories, adventures, updates, my thoughts and feelings and our day to day lives.