Monday, November 17, 2008


I know I have already posted a blog today, but I have something on my mind so I'm going to blog about it... I'm entitled to right? my blog, my words, my thoughts IT'S ALL ABOUT ME!!!! PAHAHAHA...

My dad taught me many things in life, and still teaches me things even as I'm an adult and he a senior citizen..(just kidding dad). He always told me when doing things for others don't expect anything in return, thats not what favors are for. You choose to do something nice for someone because you want to help them and you can help them. If you expect things in return then you will be let down. I agree, yet its soooo hard to do something nice for someone and get NOTHING in return not even a THANK YOU....

Yet you will find what type of people to do favors for, the ones who appreciate it... The people who can't necessarily pay you back but appreciate all of your help, by saying a simple "THANK YOU" or a hug, or an email saying how much they appreciate your help. A gesture to acknowledge your helping hand.

I do love helping people whenever I can. If I can't help I find a way for them to be helped. I am a giver, a helper, a pleaser just as my father is. You do have to be very careful who you choose to help for they may expect your help yet don't appreciate it. I have helped a fair share of people who have not appreciated my favors. And if they did appreciate it, well they have a crappy way of showing it. It hurts, digs and pulls at your heart strings...

So the next time someone does something nice for you, whether its financially, emotionally even physically. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make it a point to thank them, to assure them you appreciate all their help, even if you can't pay them back, atleast let them know how much their help is appreciated... A SIMPLE THANK YOU GOES A LONG WAY.....

I feel so much better getting that off my chest, I will probably be able to go on with my day!!!!

Thank you for reading and good night...