Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Hello and welcome. Today is Tuesday. I just have to say that I love Monday nights... I have a date with the TV every Monday night. Its my night to check out and watch reality TV. First is John and Kate plus eight. I love that show, I really can't tell you why, maybe because they have eight kids and can survive so it gives me inspiration to go on as well. Then Intervention. Not a funny show by any means. Its real life though. Just watching those people have an addiction to something is so scary. I am glad I watch it, I have learned so much from it and feel like I can help my children understand things. Last is The Hills, Love Love Love that show... It gets me away from reality for a bit and puts the focus on someone else's drama. It makes me look at my life and think "ok mines not so bad, everyone has drama it all comes down to how you choose to deal with it". So those are my three weaknesses on Monday nights. I love to check out and veg in my room after the kids have been put down for the night.. This keeps me sane..

Tonight is Biggest Loser, I love that show as well, it gets me motivated to get up and workout. Its reality as well. I end up crying during every show, but I know I'm not alone my dearest friend Monica watches it as well.. So to know I'm not the only one watching it is GREAT!!!

Ok so you have just heard my "secret" weaknesses.

Hope you all have and have had a great TUESDAY...